Flat Roof inspections in Pinellas FL.

 James Dunn is a Florida State certified and insured roofing contractor, residential contractors and Florida state certified home inspector with many years of experience in flat roof inspection experience.

 As a licensed and fully insured Pinellas roof inspectioncompany, James Dunn offers competent and reliable roof inspection service.

 Your flat roof is one of the most important and perhaps most overlooked component of your home or building. As they say, ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ and this is commonly the case when it comes to flat roof maintenance. This often leads to building owners overlooking the importance of having their roof inspected regularly.

 Inspection of building roof systems will lead to early detection of roof problems. We inspect and report report signs of roof damage, structural anomalies and/or leaks. We also look to determine if the roof system is performing according to its intended function and identify needed repairs. We will also answer any questions and Include photographs of any problems

 Flat roofs are low-slope roofs. Low-slope and steep-slope roofs have different requirements. “Pitch“ is the term used to describe the degree of roof slope. Flat roofs have one slope but very little pitch. A typical pitch would be ¼-inch per foot..

What we look for during our inspection:

Alligatoring: Shrinkage cracking of the bituminous surface of built-up or smooth surface roofing, producing a pattern of deep cracks resembling an alligator hide.

Blistering: A spongy raised portion of roofing membrane as a result of pressure of entrapped air or water vapor.

Cracking: A break in a roofing membrane as a result of flexing, often occurring at a ridge or wrinkle.

Fishmouths: An opening of the lapped edge of applied felt in built-up roofing due to adhesion failure.

Ponding: The collection of water in shallow pools on the roof surface.

Roof inspections for Pinellas

(727) 410-5717     dunncontracting@yahoo.com